1 x Noble Alpha-Bio Implant = £400.00
1 x Noble Alpha-Bio Implant Abutment = £150.00
1 x Implant Crown = £235.00
Total = £785.00
Implant prices includes all associated surgery costs and also the healing cap.
In cases where several teeth may be missing or, having to be extracted, the best treatment solution, and also the most cost effective, may be a combination of Implants and Bridge work. This would reduce the number of Implants required as the Implants can act as support pillars for the bridge work. For example it could be possible to insert 2 implants supporting a 4 unit (tooth) bridge to restore a gap of 4. This of course depends on the patients occlusion (bite) and position of implants.
Implant treatment is arranged in the following steps:
- Insertion of the implant
- Healing of the gum
- Exposure of the implant(s) or removal of healing cap
- Impression taking
- Final fitting of the abutment, Crown / Bridge or Over-Denture.
These steps take place over 2 or 3 visits.
Visit 1.
3/5 day stay - Initial consultation and insertion of implants.
Healing period is then necessary, normally 3 to 6 months.
Visit 2.
Fitting of the permanent teeth – A visit of 5 to 10 days is required for the fitting of the permanent teeth (Crowns, Bridge or Over-Denture).
Patients can break the second visit into two shorter visits of 1 or 2 days, spread over two or three weeks.
In order for our dental team to make an accurate assessment of your needs, an Initial Consultation at our Clinic would first be necessary. This Initial Consultation is free of charge. If you are considering Implant treatment, our Chief Surgeon and Implantologist Dr. Louis Patonay will need to do a thorough examination of the state of the bone in your jaw as part of this Consultation. It is the results of this examination that will establish your suitability for Implants or, other treatment options available to you, the exact cost, number of visits and the time scale which may depend upon any required healing time.
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