If you are considering Dental Implants Preparation abroad you have probably been researching clinics, implant prices, guarantees and the countries that you could travel to. The Dental Implant information on this page is intended to provide you with an overview of teeth implants abroad and the implant treatment Kreativ Dental Clinic offers.
When considering Dental Implants Preparation abroad at Kreativ Dental you always need to factor in 2 return flights to Budapest (approx £200) and the accommodation costs (approx £250). After factoring in these costs our patients still regularly save between 50% and 70% compared to the quotes they receive in the UK.
Every new patient also receives the following consultation and flight package which saves you even more money...
• FREE one-night stay at one of our Hotels
• FREE Consultation and Treatment Plan
• FREE OPG X-Ray (normal price £40)
• FREE Airport Transfer (for up to 2 persons)
• FREE Budapest Travel Pass (for up to 2 persons)
*Conditions for Flight Ticket reimbursement
If you decide to commence your treatment within 6 months of having your Consultation, your Flight Ticket from your initial consultation visit will be reimbursed as follows;
• A total Treatment Plan value of more than £1500; your Flight Ticket will be reimbursed up to a maximum value of £150
The total price of each implant is as follows...
Alpha-Bio Implant = £400.00
Alpha-Bio Implant Abutment = £150.00
Total = £550.00
On top of this you will need to add for a single dental implant crown (£235), or some dental bridgework involving adjacent teeth (£235 per tooth or missing tooth) or a fixed denture.
Find out more about the most common dental implant restorations and the costs >
Our Alpha Bio implants are covered by a lifetime guarantee. Read our guarantee page for full details.
Dental implant treatment is performed under local anaesthetic. The actual procedure itself is painless and the post surgery discomfort level is far less than that of an extraction. Nearly all of our patients report that following the surgery they feel a lot less pain than they thought they might have. The reason for this is that implant surgery is very very precise unlike an extraction which usually involves tearing of tissue which causes the pain and post-surgery discomfort.
The amount of bone in your jaw determines whether or not you are a suitable candidate for Dental Implants Preparation. If it is found that you do not have enough bone to support an implant there are many safe and common procedures that can correct this. Dr. Lajos Patonay, our Chief Dental Surgeon and Implantologist, will assess the situation and advise you if additional bone is required. It may be necessary for him to perform an artificial bone replacement or a sinus lift before implants can be placed.
It is important when researching clinics that not only do they have a thorough guarantee but also provide after care in the UK. Dental clinics abroad that DO NOT provide UK after care are usually not worth considering. Kreativ Dental Clinic DO provide after care for all their UK patients in London.
For further information about our dental packages or Dental Implants Preparation specifically or, if you would like to arrange an appointment please contact us online or call our UK office on 0203 2879 331.
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1996-2014 All Rights Reserved Kreativ Dentist Abroad
Kreativ Dental UK 10 Stanley Road, Southampton, Hampshire, SO403PR
United Kingdom. Comp No. 633611
Kreativ Dental Clinic Hungary, 1141 Budapest, Vezer ut 100, Hungary.
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