Treatment: Full Porcelain Zirconium Crowns and Bridgework.
At 56 years of age I had a big gap in my smile, a fear of dentures and the experience of years of painful and uncomfortable teeth, so I decided to have a dental makeover. I knew this would be an expensive venture and I have spent the past couple of years researching where I could get, a very high standard of dental care at the best possible price.
In England I was faced with a course of treatment that could quite easily take months even a year. Kreativ Dental offered high quality professional treatment over a short period of time. It is always a scary prospect when you think of treatment abroad, my decision was made more difficult by the fact I have long term health problems, but as time went on my confidence grew that Kreativ Dental looked the best prospect. I spoke to their representative in the UK, Ben who answered all my questions and I asked to speak to former patients. He gave me the tel. Numbers of three different people (UK), whom I promptly called and again asked more questions.
I arrived at the clinic one grey November morning not knowing what dental work I could or would have done, I was only sure of what I didn't want. Implants seemed to me to be a necessity. After an x-ray I was told the bone density in my face was not enough to take implants.
During the initial consultation I spoke at length to four different dental experts, including a ceramicist. I never at any point during my whole treatment felt hurried or pressurized.
On the second day of my second trip to Budapest (4 days each trip), the three bridges and many crowns were placed in position. I was asked what I thought. Though very happy with the position and size of my teeth, because of the type of lighting necessary in any dental surgery, I found it difficult to assess the colour of the crowns. My dentist suggested taking a stroll in the garden, using real daylight to make my decision. Outside it was obvious to me the shade of the crowns was perfect, I returned quickly and the crowns were permanently cemented in position.
During my time at the clinic, I chatted with a couple of different patients and all were pleased with their treatment, even when problems did arise. I was fortunate not to encounter problems, which was not what usually happens to me.
I now have a bright natural smile and a bite that feels 100% better than before.
I am so pleased Kreativ Dental was my first choice.
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